Splatoon 3 October Community Cup


There are 15 teams signed up for this tournament, 15 teams have the correct number of players.

Name Tag Seeding Players Status
United Kingdom Bath Bubblers Bath Bub - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Bristol Blowfish Bristol - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Cardiff Crusaders Cardiff - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Connection Unstable Connecti - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Durham OOKami DU_OOKam - 4 Confirmed
United Kingdom Execerida Execerid - 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom Exeter Cephalopods Exeter C - 7 Confirmed
United Kingdom Glasgow Grizzlies Glasgow - 4 Confirmed
United Kingdom Keele Krakens Keele Kr - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Michael Michael - 3 Confirmed
United Kingdom Octo House Octo Hou - 4 Confirmed
United Kingdom Southampton Salmonids Southamp - 4 Confirmed
United Kingdom Squid Links Squid Li - 3 Confirmed
United Kingdom Sqweezer Sqweezer - 4 Confirmed
United Kingdom WAR Splat WAR Spla - 4 Confirmed