There are 34 teams signed up for this tournament, 34 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Abertay University A team | Abertay | 20 | 8 | Confirmed |
Birmingham Bulls | Birmingh | - | 5 | Confirmed |
Bombers | Bombers | - | 7 | Confirmed |
Bongos | Bongos | - | 5 | Confirmed |
BURNIN v2 | BURNIN v | 22 | 5 | Confirmed |
Cardiff Crusaders | Cardiff | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Chichester Valorant | Chichest | - | 6 | OK |
Clark Kent | Clark Ke | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Cov Phoenix | Warwicks | 17 | 10 | Confirmed |
Dubbleyew | Bath Uti | - | 8 | Confirmed |
Durham Defenders | Durham D | - | 9 | Confirmed |
Fuego | Fuego | 21 | 5 | Confirmed |
KCL Lions | KCL Lion | - | 5 | Confirmed |
LJMU Valo A | LJMU Val | 18 | 10 | Confirmed |
Newcastle Lions A | Newcastl | 23 | 5 | Confirmed |
Noble Notts | Noble No | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Northumbria Vikings | Northumb | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Oxford Brookes Vipers | Oxford B | - | 7 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Paladins | Portsmou | - | 11 | Confirmed |
Roehampton Yetis | Roehampt | - | 6 | Confirmed |
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