UFG - Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising


There are 10 teams signed up for this tournament, 9 teams have the correct number of players.

Name Tag Seeding Players Status
United Kingdom Abhishek VVS Abhishek - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Cassandra Wheeler Cassandr - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Charlie blain Charlie - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Damian Owiredu Damian O - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Dylan Dylan - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Isley Jack Foster Isley Ja - 1 Incomplete
United Kingdom Matthew Paul Hart Matthew - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom max eastope max east - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Olivia Higgins Olivia H - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Thayen Dore Thayen D - 1 Confirmed