Teamfight Tactics NSE Summer 24



  • All players must have attended the same university.
  • Mixed teams of Students and Alumni are allowed.
  • All games take place on EUW server.
  • Check-in deadline is 6.30pm. Players who don't check-in will be automatically dropped from the tournament.
  • Players are expected to arrive promptly to all games. If a player is more than 15 minutes late for start of game they will not be included in that game.
  • Top 2 players should take screenshot of lobby after every game.
  • If there are less than 8 players in a group matches will que as a group and play with other players on the EUW server.
  • Offensive Summoner names are not allowed. Players are expected to uphold the NSE Code of Conduct at all times whilst playing in tournament.


Finish Position Points
1st 8
2nd 7
3rd 6
4th 5
5th 4
6th 3
7th 2
8th 1

In later weeks, additional points will be awarded for players based on the lobby they play in.

In the event of a tie, the highest position in a match is used as a tiebreak. If still tied, the finish position in the final game of the match is used.


Players are expected to uphold the NSE Code of Conduct at all times whilst playing in the tournament.

All decisions regarding the interpretation and enforcement of these rules are at the sole discretion of the NSE Admin Team, whose decisions are final.
These rules may be amended, changed or supplemented when required by the NSE Admin Team to ensure fair play and competitive integrity.

This competition is not affiliated with or sponsored by Riot Games, Inc. or Teamfight Tactics Esports.