There are 93 teams signed up for this tournament, 93 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Portsmouth Penguins | Portsmou | 45 | 4 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Persian Melons | Portsmou | 36 | 4 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth pillocks v2 | Portsmou | 21 | 4 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Plonkers | Portsmou | 26 | 4 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Warwick Portsmouth Paladins | Portsmou | - | 3 | OK |
Reading Knights | Reading | - | 4 | Confirmed |
Reading Knights B | Regain | 35 | 3 | Confirmed |
RHUL Royal League | RHUL Roy | 28 | 5 | Confirmed |
RocKenteers | RocKente | - | 4 | OK |
Roehampton Esports Black | Roehampt | 3 | 3 | Confirmed |
Roehampton Esports Green | Roehampt | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Roehampton Monstershop | Roehampt | - | 5 | OK |
sassy sasquach | sassy sa | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Solent Seagulls | Solent S | 37 | 4 | Confirmed |
Soton Dez Nuts | Soton De | 22 | 3 | Confirmed |
Soton Sharks | Soton Sh | 18 | 3 | Confirmed |
Soton Slayers | Soton Sl | 38 | 6 | Confirmed |
Southampton Saver Menu | Southamp | - | 3 | OK |
Surrey not surrey | Surrey n | 17 | 2 | Confirmed |
Surrey Stags | Surrey S | - | 5 | Confirmed |
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