There are 90 teams signed up for this tournament, 89 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
nO U | nO U | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Not Good Enough For Team 1 | Not Good | - | 4 | Confirmed |
oooh Henners that thats a disappointment | oooh Hen | - | 4 | OK |
Oxford Brookes Vipers Team 7 | OBV | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Plymouth Conga Eels | Plymouth | - | 5 | Confirmed |
Plymouth Leviathans | Plymouth | - | 5 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Old School Potatoes | Portsmou | - | 4 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Pfannkuchens | Portsmou | - | 4 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Pilchards 3000 | Portsmou | - | 3 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Potatotes B | Portsmou | - | 7 | OK |
Reading Your Plays | Reading | - | 4 | Confirmed |
rl_exe | rl_exe | - | 3 | Confirmed |
RocKenteers | RocKente | - | 5 | OK |
Rocket Lads | Rocket L | - | 5 | OK |
Roe Exodia | ROE | - | 4 | Confirmed |
Royal Bears | Royal Be | - | 3 | OK |
Royal League | Royal Le | - | 6 | OK |
Southampton Academy | Southamp | - | 3 | Confirmed |
Southampton Finest | Southamp | - | 4 | Confirmed |
Southampton Saver Menu | Superson | - | 4 | OK |
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