Rainbow 6 Siege Spring 22 - Div 3


Rainbow 6 Spring Championship is split into 2 main stages: Stage 1 Qualification (Weeks 1-3) and Stage 2 Swiss/Playoffs (Weeks 4-7)

Stage 1

In Stage 1 teams will be initially seeded into 3 skill groups. In the first round teams will play another team in the same skill group and in the following rounds be matched versus teams with a similar record in the tournament.

Stage 2

In Stage 2 the top 16 teams will start in the Championship bracket (a double elimination bracket) and everyone else will continue playing in a Swiss tournament starting with points based on their finish in stage 1. Teams who do well in the Swiss can qualify for Challenger bracket or Division 3.

Initial Prizes

1st - £500

2nd - £300

3rd - £200

Top 8 - BUEC Championship Pins

In addition to other prizes this tournament awards British University Esports Championship Points.