There are 75 teams signed up for this tournament, 75 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
GG | Glazgae | 8 | 9 | Confirmed |
Golden Castles | Golden C | 5 | 7 | Confirmed |
Herts Blue | Herts Bl | - | 10 | OK |
Jagerbombs | Jagerbom | 3 | 8 | Confirmed |
KCL Lions | KCL Lion | - | 8 | OK |
Keele Kare Bears Rainbow Sparkle | Keele_Kr | - | 5 | OK |
Kent Crusaders | Kent Cru | - | 7 | OK |
Lancaster Clowns | Lancaste | - | 5 | OK |
Leeds Gryphons B | Leeds Gr | - | 5 | OK |
Leeds Team A | Leeds Te | - | 8 | OK |
Leicester Jackal | Leiceste | 6 | 7 | Confirmed |
Leicester Lions | Leiceste | 3 | 7 | Confirmed |
Lincoln Swan Tap | Lincoln | - | 7 | OK |
Liverpoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool | Liverpoo | - | 9 | OK |
LuffStuff | LuffStuf | - | 8 | OK |
Manchester Hive | Manchest | - | 6 | OK |
Manchester Mammoths | Manchest | 4 | 5 | Confirmed |
Manchester Minotaurs | Manchest | - | 5 | OK |
Memecastle | Memecast | 1 | 8 | Confirmed |
NDDS | NDDS | - | 8 | OK |
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