Overwatch 2 Women & Non-Binary NSE Winter 23 Cup


There are 11 teams signed up for this tournament, 11 teams have the correct number of players.

Name Tag Seeding Players Status
United Kingdom BubbleBath BubbleBa - 7 Confirmed
United Kingdom Cherry Crusaders Cherry C - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom hadleys harem hadleys - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Keele Krakens Keele Kr - 3 Confirmed
United Kingdom MeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeowMeow MeowMeow - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom OW Violet Sharks Violet S - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Plymouths Fabulous Ferrets Plymouth - 7 Confirmed
United Kingdom Plymouths Frightening Ferrets Plymouth - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Silly Billys Silly Bi - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom SwanSlay SwanSlay - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom UCA Wyverns UCA Wyve - 8 Confirmed