There are 115 teams signed up for this tournament, 115 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Surrey Stags | S Stags | - | 7 | OK |
Surrey Stags Black | SurreySB | 3 | 7 | Confirmed |
SurreySportsPark | SSP | 7 | 4 | Confirmed |
Sussexistential Crisis | Sussex | 5 | 5 | Confirmed |
Swansea Storm Green | Swan SG | - | 6 | OK |
Swansea Storm Swnatic | Swnatic | 5 | 5 | Confirmed |
Swansea Storm White | Swan SW | - | 4 | OK |
Team 1 | Team 1 | 3 | 6 | Confirmed |
Team 56 | Team 56 | 7 | 5 | Confirmed |
Team Soupreme | Soupreme | 2 | 6 | Confirmed |
The alt f4s | alt f4 | 5 | 6 | Confirmed |
The Antidepressants | Anti | 7 | 7 | Confirmed |
The Munch Bunch | M Bunch | 3 | 5 | Confirmed |
The Westminster Dragons | WD | 7 | 7 | Confirmed |
The Westminster Wyvern | W Wyvern | 8 | 5 | Confirmed |
THOT Team | THOTTeam | 5000 | 7 | Confirmed |
ThrOU Reloaded | ThrOU | 6 | 6 | Confirmed |
Thwans | thwans | 4 | 6 | Confirmed |
TrentusPro | Trentus | 3 | 6 | Confirmed |
UEA ConcreteStrike | Concrete | - | 6 | OK |
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