There are 38 teams signed up for this tournament, 38 teams have the correct number of players with Summoner Names entered.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Aston Axolotls | Aston Ax | 21 | 5 | Confirmed |
Bangor Wizard Money Gang | Bangor W | - | 7 | OK |
Bristol Bozos | Bristol | - | 8 | OK |
Bristol is Boosted | Bristol | 1 | 5 | Confirmed |
Caster Minions | Caster M | - | 8 | Confirmed |
CES Scuttles | CES Scut | - | 4 | OK |
Cillit Bangor | Cillit B | 19 | 8 | Confirmed |
Come Warwick v3 | Come War | 10 | 6 | Confirmed |
Coomers | Coomers | 16 | 13 | Confirmed |
DELETE THE ANTIVIRUS | DELETE T | 4 | 5 | Confirmed |
Dont Ban Udyr | Dont Ban | 5 | 9 | Confirmed |
EXE Machina | EXE Mach | - | 4 | OK |
Jhinchester Jharriors | Jhinches | - | 8 | Confirmed |
Keele Krakens | Keele Kr | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Ladcaster | Ladcaste | - | 9 | OK |
Lincoln Winners Club | Lincoln | 15 | 6 | Confirmed |
London Wyverns | Tian Esp | 3 | 7 | Confirmed |
MMU Esports LoL | MMU Mino | 17 | 8 | Confirmed |
MMU Mythos | MMU Myth | 25 | 9 | Confirmed |
Needlessly Large Rods | Needless | 24 | 8 | Confirmed |
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