League of Legends NSE Spring 22 - South


There are 96 teams signed up for this tournament, 95 teams have the correct number of players with Summoner Names entered.

Name Tag Seeding Players Status
United Kingdom Konrads Kids Konrads - 6 OK
United Kingdom KSM KSM - 9 Confirmed
United Kingdom Light Black Warwick Light Bl - 13 OK
United Kingdom lost ark waiting room lost ark - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Lowhampton Lowhampt - 5 OK
United Kingdom Mercedes Benz Dealership Mercedes - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Monarchs Monarchs - 10 Confirmed
United Kingdom Oxbridge Rejects Oxbridge - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Papa Johns Warwick Papa Joh - 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom Platinum Disco Platinum - 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom Plymmy with the Stimmy Plymmy w - 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom Plymouth Leviathans Team Sigma Plymouth - 5 OK
United Kingdom Portsmouth Plonkers Portsmou - 4 Summoner Names Required
United Kingdom Portsmouth Potatoes Portsmou - 5 OK
United Kingdom Portsmouth Punishers Portsmou - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Q5 Q5 - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom QUB Ye QUB Ye - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom RHUL Wojteks RHUL Woj - 7 Confirmed
United Kingdom Rift Clappers Rift Cla - 6 OK
United Kingdom Rift Princesses Rift Pri - 6 OK

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