League of Legends NSE Spring 22 - South


There are 96 teams signed up for this tournament, 95 teams have the correct number of players with Summoner Names entered.

Name Tag Seeding Players Status
United Kingdom EXE Machina EXE Mach - 7 OK
United Kingdom Falmouth Phoenix Falmouth - 11 Confirmed
United Kingdom FiddleInMyDiddle FiddleIn - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Fireborn Warwick Fireborn - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Floating Ice Cream BING CHI - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Galeforce Abusers GaleForc - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Gold Exeperience Gold Exe - 2 Confirmed
United Kingdom Good Players and Gtracks Good Pla - 7 Confirmed
United Kingdom Grass Touchers Grass To - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Grey Warwick Grey War - 6 OK
United Kingdom Grey Warwick Academy Grey War - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Hyena Warwick Spring Hyena Wa - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom IC Silence IC Silen - 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom Imperial Diff Imperial - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Insanity Gaming insanity - 3 OK
United Kingdom Iron Swan Wings Iron Swa - 9 Confirmed
United Kingdom Itty Bitty Litty Committee Itty Bit - 7 OK
United Kingdom KCL Lions KCL Lion - 9 Confirmed
United Kingdom KCL Oompa Loompas KCL Oomp - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Kentakill Placehol - 6 Confirmed

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