Intel Gamer Days VALORANT Duos Cup


There are 11 teams signed up for this tournament, 10 teams have the correct number of players.

Name Tag Seeding Players Status
United Kingdom AWP is better OP AWP is b - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom blue seals blue sea - 2 Confirmed
United Kingdom Body Shot Bandits Body Sho - 2 Confirmed
United Kingdom Froggynaise Frog123 - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom gang gang - 1 Confirmed
United Kingdom Hermit House Hermit H - 2 Confirmed
United Kingdom ikah fan club ikah fan - 1 Incomplete
United Kingdom Iso Shield Iso Shie - 2 Confirmed
United Kingdom noob gamerz village - 2 Confirmed
United Kingdom Portsmouth val reps Portsmou - 2 Confirmed
United Kingdom UCL Team S UCL Team - 2 Confirmed