There are 37 teams signed up for this tournament, 37 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Nott So Serious | Nott So | - | 5 | Confirmed |
PHL | PHL | - | 7 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Paladins | Portsmou | - | 8 | Confirmed |
Salford Lions | Salford | - | 7 | Confirmed |
Southampton Valorant | Southamp | - | 6 | Confirmed |
STD | STD | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Surrey Stagsss | Surrey S | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Swansea Storm 24_25 | Swansea | - | 7 | Confirmed |
UCL silly cars 2 | UCL sill | - | 7 | Confirmed |
UEA Bluejays | UEA Blue | - | 7 | Confirmed |
UOB silly cats | UOB sill | - | 5 | Confirmed |
UWE Sea Stags | UWE Sea | - | 9 | Confirmed |
UWL Wyverns | UWL Wyve | - | 7 | Confirmed |
Valkyra eSports | Valkyra | - | 9 | Confirmed |
Warwick Ringers | Warwick | - | 6 | Confirmed |
Wet Min Goth | Wet Min | - | 7 | Confirmed |
You Kent See | You Kent | - | 9 | Confirmed |
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