
There are 165 teams signed up for this tournament, 165 teams have the correct number of players.

Name Tag Seeding Players Status
United Kingdom Nott Casual Nott Cas 4 10 Confirmed
United Kingdom Nott Dateable Nott Dat - 7 OK
United Kingdom Nott Safe For Work Nott Nin - 12 OK
United Kingdom Nott That Good Notts 1 - 9 OK
United Kingdom NOTToriously Bad 2 NOTTorio - 6 OK
United Kingdom notWINNING Running - 6 OK
United Kingdom Oxford 1sts Oxford 1 5 11 Confirmed
United Kingdom Panic at the Plant Panic at 4 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Phantom Panthers Phantom - 5 OK
United Kingdom PHL PHL - 5 OK
United Kingdom Plymouth Pew Pew Panda Plymouth 4 10 Confirmed
United Kingdom Plymouth Piranhas Plymouth 6 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom Plymouth S Academy Plymouth - 5 OK
United Kingdom Plymouth Viperss Plymouth 6 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom Pookie Wookie Bears Pookie W - 10 Confirmed
United Kingdom Portsmouth Paladins Portsmou - 6 OK
United Kingdom Portsmouth Panthers Portsmou 5 7 Confirmed
United Kingdom Portsmouth Phoenixes Portsmou 4 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom Portsmouth Pythons Portsmou - 6 OK
United Kingdom Quackheads Quackhea - 5 OK

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