There are 185 teams signed up for this tournament, 182 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Jonathan Kirkland | Jonathan | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Jordan beqiraj | Jordan b | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Jose Mendoza | Jose Men | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Joshua Cockburn | Joshua C | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Joshua Cummings | Joshua C | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Joshua Green | Joshua G | - | 1 | OK |
Joshua Green | Joshua G | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Kacper Lisek | Kacper L | - | 1 | OK |
Kai Wong | Stratos | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Kane Fitzpatrick | Kane Fit | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Keir Drummond | Keir Dru | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Keith Ng | Keith Ng | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Kemal Mehmet | ninlop | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Kie Dewsbury | Kie Dews | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Kyle Farrell | Kyle Far | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Lee Marshall | Lee Mars | - | 1 | Confirmed |
LemonsAndSugar | LemonsAn | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Leonard Agastya Soetandi | Leonard | - | 0 | Not enough players |
Levi Dowe-Ranger | Levi Dow | - | 0 | Not enough players |
Lewis Browne | Lewis Br | - | 1 | Confirmed |
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