There are 81 teams signed up for this tournament, 81 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Manchester Ballers | Manchest | - | 5 | Confirmed |
Manchester Milk Men | Manny Mi | - | 5 | Confirmed |
Newcastle Lionesses | Newcastl | - | 3 | Confirmed |
Newcastle Newbs | Newcastl | - | 4 | Confirmed |
Newcastle Ninjas spring 24 | Newcastl | - | 4 | OK |
Nottingham Noodle Ninjas | Nottingh | - | 4 | OK |
NTU Ball Pinchers | NTU Ball | - | 3 | Confirmed |
NTU Free Wins | NTU Free | - | 3 | Confirmed |
Orange Team | Orange T | - | 4 | Confirmed |
Purple rain | Purple r | - | 3 | Confirmed |
QUB HARLEQUINS | QUB HARL | - | 3 | Confirmed |
QUB Vanguards | QUB Vang | - | 3 | Confirmed |
Ruskin Ravens RL | Ruskin R | - | 5 | Confirmed |
SalFord Fiesta | SalFord | - | 5 | Confirmed |
Salford Lions | Salford | - | 5 | OK |
Seizure n Friends | Seizure | - | 3 | Confirmed |
Sheffield Steel Your Goals | Sheffiel | - | 4 | Confirmed |
SLUGS RL | SLUGS RL | - | 5 | Confirmed |
Staffordshire Sixers | Stafford | - | 3 | Confirmed |
Staffordshire Sixers B | Stafford | - | 4 | Confirmed |
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