There are 62 teams signed up for this tournament, 62 teams have the correct number of players.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Smelted Team 2 | York Pun | 2 | 3 | Confirmed |
Staffordshire BallChasers | Stafford | 43 | 4 | Confirmed |
Staffordshire Bimbam | Stafford | 8 | 6 | Confirmed |
Staffordshire Clangers | Stafford | 24 | 5 | Confirmed |
Staffordshire Scorpions | FakedIt | 38 | 5 | Confirmed |
Staffordshire Stampede | Stafford | - | 6 | OK |
StAGS League A | StAGS Le | 26 | 6 | Confirmed |
StAGS League B | StAGS Le | 42 | 6 | Confirmed |
Team Concept | Team Con | 30 | 4 | Confirmed |
Team Helios | Team Hel | 17 | 8 | Confirmed |
Teesside Titans | Teesside | 39 | 4 | Confirmed |
The Loughborough Leftovers | The Loug | 32 | 4 | Confirmed |
Top Bins Only | Top Bins | 41 | 3 | Confirmed |
tRent Boys | tRent | - | 6 | OK |
UEAyy | UEA | 12 | 4 | Confirmed |
UEbAes | UEA BEE | 35 | 7 | Confirmed |
UoB Fab N Fresh | Fab N Fr | 7 | 3 | Confirmed |
UoB Just Smile | Just Smi | - | 3 | OK |
UoB Provisional Drivers | Provisio | 31 | 3 | Confirmed |
UoB Silhouettes | Silhouet | 34 | 4 | Confirmed |
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