There are 207 teams signed up for this tournament, 202 teams have the correct number of players with Riot Ids entered.
Name | Tag | Seeding | Players | Status |
Pork Belly | Pork Bel | - | 6 | OK |
Portsmouth Paladins | Portsmou | - | 7 | OK |
Portsmouth Penguins | Portsmou | 1 | 6 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Pigeons | Portsmou | 3 | 6 | Confirmed |
Portsmouth Pirates | Portsmou | - | 8 | OK |
Portsmouth Splitpushers | Portsmou | 4 | 9 | Confirmed |
QMUL NSE Team D | QMUL NSE | 4 | 1 | Confirmed |
Reading Whiteknights | Reading | 1 | 9 | Confirmed |
Red Bull Baron Power Play | Red Bull | - | 8 | OK |
Remgar Rizzlers | Remgar R | 2 | 10 | Confirmed |
Report Loughborough Jungler | Looga | - | 9 | OK |
Road To Bronze | Road To | - | 1 | Confirmed |
Rock Solid | temporar | - | 8 | OK |
Roehampton Riptide | Roehampt | 3 | 6 | Confirmed |
Roehampton Rollovers | Roehampt | - | 7 | OK |
Rotterdam Gamers United RGU | Rotterda | 3 | 8 | Confirmed |
Royal Cubs | Royal Cu | - | 9 | OK |
RoyalBears | RoyalBea | - | 10 | OK |
run it down | run it d | - | 5 | OK |
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