League of Legends NSE Spring 22 - North


There are 98 teams signed up for this tournament, 98 teams have the correct number of players with Summoner Names entered.

Name Tag Seeding Players Status
United Kingdom UoL Teemouch to Handle UoL Teem - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom UoLBanger UoLBange - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom UoM T1 UoM T1 - 6 OK
United Kingdom UoY 4th Team Fizz on - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom UOY team 1 UOY team - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom UoY5 UoY2 - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Vanix Esports Pink Vanix Es - 8 Confirmed
United Kingdom ViAyeMan ViAyeMan - 11 OK
United Kingdom W w watts going on on W w watt - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Watt Wyverns Watt Wyv - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Watt Wyverns Watt-Wyv - 10 Confirmed
United Kingdom WE FOLDED WE FOLDE - 3 Confirmed
United Kingdom We Like to role swap Support - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Who Needs Cannon Who Need - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom WidePeepoHappy WidePeep - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom Willbobs47 Willybob - 6 Confirmed
United Kingdom Yooo Yooo - 5 Confirmed
United Kingdom YSJ leg of legs YSJ leg - 9 Confirmed

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